What tugs thy heart!An individual art form resonates uniquely with each person, captivating them, drawing them in, and carrying them away. For me, that art…May 9, 2024May 9, 2024
One true loveइश्क़ तो हमें भी हुए थे बहुत One sided love की race मैं जीते थे हम बहुत दिन भर सहेलिओं से बाते खतम नहीं होती थी Crush सामने आ जाए तो बोलती…Apr 7, 20231Apr 7, 20231
Mountains are callingThis was a poem that I wrote for my husband who loves being in the mountains and takes us along his beautiful experiences each timeApr 7, 2023Apr 7, 2023
One of the things that I grew up hearing was — “ Success comes to those that work hard”.The arbitrary definition of hard work was very confusing for me — the only accepted definition of hard work was slogging for long hours…Feb 24, 20232Feb 24, 20232
Dil ke dard ko kyun nahin samjhtaदिल के दर्द को नहीं ज़ुबान की कड़वाहट को ही सुनता हैं क्यों दुसरे के दर्द को क्यों नहीं समझता हैं तूSep 18, 2022Sep 18, 2022
Jeena na bhool jaana mere humsafarआशा हैं कुछ कर गुज़र जाने की शीशे की दीवारों को थोड़ देने की दुनिया को दिखाना हैं हमने की हम भी देख सकते हैं सपने चाहत हैं की हर कोई देखे…Aug 14, 2022Aug 14, 2022
Hinglish VinglishI was a transplant growing up. My parents were south indians, but my dad’s job was in North India, so we spent all of our growing up years…Aug 14, 20223Aug 14, 20223
Happy 4th to us!Xemelgo turned 4 years old last week and I thought this definitely deserved a blogpost. I am pretty sure my kids are going to take offense…Apr 25, 20221Apr 25, 20221
When do we experience life the mostAn exploration of what influences our experiences of lifeDec 26, 2021Dec 26, 2021
Work — why we do what we do!I recently saw this beautiful scene on a TV series (TVF Pitchers) which goes something like thisJun 23, 2021Jun 23, 2021